Sunday, January 16, 2011


According to the entry dates I stopped writing here nearly two years ago. Two years. I think I am a significantly different person now than who I was then. The foundation is the same of course, I am always and will always be me, but the trappings are different now.

2009 brought a lot of troubles in the way of family my way, and it really pulled me out of any momentum I had going toward exploring myself and looking toward new experiences in my life. It was a hard year for us, but we made it - like we always do and despite the losses we experienced that year, we were stronger for them.

2010 was something of a mystery to me.

Having fallen out of patterns I'd built up for myself I felt kind of lost as I put the pieces back together from the year before. It was not without it's triumphs of course, there were a great many good things about the last year that I am very glad happened. 2010 was a year of shaping and changing for me and it's left me here at the start of 2011 not entirely sure what I am going to do with myself.

So here I am starting over again. It seems to be a bit of a habit with me, but we'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

David said...

You might want to explore -something to get out and do.