Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stepping out

I wonder if anyone comes across this blog anymore. Or if, perhaps, it has simply been forgotten. Not that I would blame anyone if that has been the case. I did sort of leave things on a final note when last I was here.

But I wonder.

Is there anyone out there? I've been thinking of delving back into this part of myself again, and if that is to be the case then I need a place in which to explore. And this would be my preference.

It's a new year, and I've made a lot of changes to myself, and I'm looking forward to a great deal more.


Anonymous said...

I still have your blog in my RSS reader, so I'll see anything you write.

David said...

Like sitc, I have you in my Reader and have followed you in the past, and even followed and participated by comment at Dominant Seventh.

I will be happy to hear how are you doing and where you are going. I have a number of friends in your home town also.


Votary said...

I've often wondered how you were and if you'd successfully moved on. I'd love to read you again.