Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Well I am back from Indianaland. It was so cold, my poor little Texas self didn't know if I was going to survive the entire trip at some points. But there was snow! And that was pretty great. I think I shall forever be one of those Texans who goes giddy at the sight of snow. It actually snowed here in Texas last night which was amazing and wonderful as well :D

The trip was long and we did all the driving in one go so that was pretty hard too. And unfortunately I didn't get to meet up with my old friend while I was up that way - he was having car troubles. So sadly no new stories, at least not any that have anything to do with him.

There may be someone new in my future, but we'll just have to wait and see about that. I'm sure for the time being I have some older stories I can pull back up to the sunlight.

1 comment:

Cindy said...
