Thursday, May 15, 2008


I wonder if he's still out there.

He used to have this annoying habit of finding every place online where I might be doing any little thing and following it constantly.

And I wonder if he still does that, but just stays quiet now. Or if he's pulled himself back completely now.

If we're being honest, I miss him. I miss talking to him, and joking, and laughing.

And sometimes I just wonder - if he's still there.

Especially on nights like tonight, when I still have trouble sleeping.


Votary said...

I have the same thoughts about Chief. However, I don't know if those thoughts are productive.

In your case, I'm pretty sure Irch is still out there, still checking in on you. But I don't know if knowing that will make anything better.

Anonymous said...

I would imagine He is sweetness.

Stay strong
